3.8 Performance of Uganda's transport sector, 2011/2012

This document is the annual performance report for Uganda's Ministry of Works and Transport for the 2011/2012 financial year. It includes all areas of the transport sector in Uganda, including road, rail air and inland waterways.

The report summarises the ministry's and the transport sector's performances over the period. It details key performance indicators and compares them to baselines from the 2010/2011 financial year. It also reports on the policy and strategic challenges faced over the period.

The provision of transport infrastructure and services has contributed to the country's economic growth, but this growth has placed burdens on the transport sector. Also population increases have added to the demand for transport infrastructure within the country. Uganda's five year National Development Plan identified priorities for investment in all of the transport sub-sectors – roads, railways, water and air transport – and the report demonstrates how the sector has performed in response to the plan's interventions.

Issuing body: Ministry of Works and Transport, Republic of Uganda
Type: Performance report
Status: Final draft
Works and transport sector annual performance report, financial year 2011/12
File type:
File size: 5.17 MB
Year of publication: 2012
Number of pages: 127