9.6 Institutional constraints: key findings
This document presents the key findings of the report 'Sector analysis, institutional change and advocacy'. The study focused on institutional constraints that are:
- Important to the CrossRoads programme's stakeholders
- Can be addressed by expertise in the Roads Industry Council (RIC)
- Complement existing or planned CrossRoads' initiatives
- Are not addressed by other stakeholders
- Have the potential to achieve progress within the resources and lifespan of the CrossRoads project.
The study concluded that advocacy to influence policy makers and address institutional barriers is the way forward, through:
- Building the profile of the RIC
- A programme of advocacy activities sponsored by the RIC
- Synchronising CrossRoads and RIC advocacy work
- Engaging a wider stakeholder constituency
- Developing a strategy for the RIC to sustain advocacy in the longer term.
Issuing body: CrossRoads
Type: Abridged report
Status: Final
Title: Sector analysis, institutional change and advocacy
File type: Word document
File size: 82.1 KB
Year of publication: 2013
Number of pages: 4