2.4 Strengthening the impact of the roads budget in Uganda
This report reviews Uganda's public expenditure on roads. It examines how the government can improve methods of allocating resources for rural roads and how it can improve cost effectiveness while absorbing substantial additional resources without significantly increasing unit costs.
To best facilitate market access and earning capacity for small-scale farmers, existing rather than new roads should be the focus. Methods used to allocate funds to districts should be refined, and reflect agricultural potential. Farmers and transporters should be assisted in testing international models of coordinating consolidation and deconsolidation of freight.
The sector must improve all aspects of the contract management process, and speed up contract award and implementation times. The review recommends strengthening institutional capacity by introducing a dedicated programme management unit and assisting in the monitoring and evaluation department, as well as streamlining procedures for land take and variation orders, and increased use of locally available and produced materials.
Issuing body: World Bank
Type: Report
Status: Final
Title: Uganda Public expenditure review. Strengthening the impact of the roads budget. Poverty reduction and economic management 2. Africa region
File type: PDF
File size: 868.75 KB
Year of publication: 2010
Number of pages: 70